Author: paka


Road opens up towards new trade union confederation

| 28.11.2014

It will be a long and winding road, but the union leaders see an urgent need for a... Read more


Grey economy, social dumping and tax evasion

| 19.11.2014

A tripartite network BSLF was established three years ago for good reasons. Labor mobility is considerable in the... Read more


Minna Helle is the new National Conciliator

| 14.11.2014

At the moment Minna Helle, 42, is working as the Director of Negotiations and Social Policy at the... Read more


Labour market organisations agree to employment pension reform

| 15.10.2014

The intense negotiations between labour market organisations concerning employment pension reform have ended with many proposed changes to... Read more


Summer job hotline helped hundreds of young people

| 10.10.2014

Some 550 people have called the hotline that counsels young people working in summer jobs. The service is... Read more


Ukrainian crisis hits Finnish economic growth

| 9.10.2014

The negative impact of the Ukraine crisis on Finland’s economic growth is turning out to be greater than... Read more


Industry unions support building new nuclear power plant

| 19.9.2014

The government decided to grant the Finnish Fennovoima company permission to go ahead with a new minority shareholder... Read more


Pension reform on the door

| 21.8.2014

Labour market organisations are struggling to negotiate a reform of the pension system. The reform aims to ensure... Read more


Outsourcing does not make public services better, Finnish politicians believe

| 13.8.2014

More than half of Finnish politicians believe that outsourcing makes it more difficult to get equal access to... Read more