Finland’s competitiveness, productivity in working life and economic wellbeing are based on competence.
Competence is a key factor in terms of employment, structural change in industries and wellbeing at work. Competence is also the best response to the transformation of work caused by climate change and technological development.
Employees enjoy wellbeing at work and the workplace community is productive when all its members have sufficient and relevant competence, and cooperation produces results that no one could achieve on their own. Competence development results in the creation of new and improved products and ways of working in workplace communities.
Work must encourage employees to increase their competence
It is estimated that the competence of around a million working-age Finns needs updating. In addition, an increasing number of Finns want to retrain for a new career.
The workplace is a key place for learning. Work must encourage employees to increase their competence, enable them to apply their new skills and reward them for using their skills. The legislation and agreements concerning working life should support all employee groups’ opportunities to update their competence regardless of their gender, age or job description. Each employee’s training needs should be assessed regularly by means of personal competence surveys. The employer must draw up a comprehensive training plan for the entire workplace every year.
Wider participation in post-qualification training during a career would also boost competence development in the workplace. The threshold for attending training must therefore be lowered. Sufficient income during studies in different life situations must be ensured by means of student benefits.
Development of the education system
The long-term development and resourcing of the education system lay the foundation for competence and learning. We must continue to invest substantially in the wellbeing of children and young people, early childhood education, basic education, upper secondary education and higher education. Investment in competence promotes employment, prevents exclusion and improves equality and non-discrimination in society.