Author: paka

Finnish politicians ready to defend Nordic welfare model

| 22.5.2014

More than 90 per cent of Finnish politicians expressed a desire to defend the Nordic welfare model in... Read more


Education enhances democracy and civil rights

| 20.5.2014

All the congress themes of ITUC are important. However, STTK, the Finnish confederation of professionals, thinks that education... Read more


Confederations support campaign to reduce use of alcohol and problems created by it

| 27.1.2014

Alcohol results in some two million days of absence from work every year in Finland. The harm caused... Read more


A New Year and some new laws and regulations

| 27.1.2014

2014 brings with it some changes in regard to unemployment benefits, parental leave and developing employees’ professional skills.... Read more


FinUnionsin johtajaksi Pekka Ristelä

| 3.12.2013

Palkansaajien EU-edustuston FinUnionsin uudeksi johtajaksi on valittu Pekka Ristelä. Hän aloittaa kolmivuotisessa tehtävässään ensi vuoden alussa. Ristelä on... Read more


SASK support reached more than 180,000 people last year

| 15.10.2013

The development projects coordinated by the Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK reached 182,327 people in 2012.... Read more


Union confederations meets ambassadors to discuss about international trade union work

| 30.8.2013

The three union confederations SAK, STTK and Akava together with the Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK... Read more


Finnish union confederations: EU has to respect the freedom of collective bargaining

| 6.5.2013

Experts from the three union confederations in Finland (Akava, SAK, STTK) have delivered harsh criticism to the European... Read more