Fair economy


The structures of the Finnish economy need to be reformed, competence reinforced and the number of investments increased, so that the future growth potential can be utilised in full. Solutions made on the labour market will continue to affect employment, competitiveness, productivity, purchasing power and industrial peace. Finland needs reconciliation of the financial and labour market policies.

Taxation and responsibility

Sustainable funding of the welfare state requires a strong tax base. To secure tax revenues, taxation must be reorganised. The growth of income gaps does not promote the building of a stable society, and it may have detrimental effects on economic development. The taxation of work shall support working and contracting work out. Low and average-income wage earners’ personal income taxation must not prevent the increase of skills and knowhow or the accepting of more demanding duties.
A functioning market economy and competition require that grey economy and tax evasion be rooted out. Instead of tax havens, companies must pay taxes to the country in which they actually operate. Thus they will bear their responsibility of developing society.

Sustainable development and climate change

Finland needs a clear strategy for the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable society. The utilisation of renewable forms of energy and innovative, energy-efficient solutions, technology and circular economy can be advanced e.g. by building regulations, public procurements and in infrastructure projects. The prevention of climate change and a sustainable economy open up great opportunities, but, in order to develop, require incentives and commitments.
Environmental and energy taxes can steer individuals and communities into sustainable actions. The generation of new jobs and livelihoods and the regeneration of old ones must be included in the climate policy goals. This will require pre-emptive measures from the state, but its instruments cannot include selling work and terms of employment at a lower price.


The Finnish demographic structure and safeguarding Finland’s position as a small, open national economy, require growing immigration. Discretionary power concerning availability of already existing work force could be given up in future, provided that sufficient resources for inspection and control are secured. Foreign workforce must be treated equally with other workforce. Trampling of pay or other terms of employment as well as inappropriate treatment of employees will not be accepted.

Finland needs a broad immigration-related socio-political programme. In addition to labour needs, an immigration-political programme should contain operational models concerning e.g. training and competence, family policy and culture, and their funding. Investing in integration will pay off as better employment.